IG deleted my post yesterday which I am sharing with you here, expanded. Do you want to know why they had to axe it? The testimonials were POURING in as so many post-vaxx have been experiencing severe eye issues including blurred vision, blood clots, and outright blindness in one or both eyes.
The evidence is mounting proving that the convid shots cause a constellation of damage to those who took the poison and survived to this point (all the shots cause harm but these ones really disturb the blood).
I thought since you're never going to get an apology from those who didn't listen, you could give them a gift of science. Hopefully, they can literally see to read it! You may also want to sign up for The End of Covid Summit also, arming yourself with some potent information so we can clean up from this outlandish psy-op.
"Large retrospective cohort study of TriNetX (World's largest clinical database) shows a SIGNIFICANT increase in retinal vascular occlusion (blockage/bleeding) weeks & YEARS after vaccination for SARS-CoV-2 in ALL ages, races & (both) genders:"
Table 2 Stratified analysis of risk of retinal vascular occlusion exposed to COVID-19 vaccines compared with unvaccinated individuals in 2 years. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41541-023-00661-7/tables/2
Ocular Vascular Events following COVID-19 Vaccines: A Systematic Review https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9786009/
Ocular Manifestations after Receiving COVID-19 Vaccine: A Systematic Review https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34960150/
Non-Arteritic Ischemic Optic Neuropathy (eye stroke) increased also after vaxx:
Non-Arteritic Ischemic Optic Neuropathy Following COVID-19 Vaccination in Korea: A Case Series
There is mysteriously no abstract for this paper: Bilateral Ischemic Optic Neuropathy From Giant Cell Arteritis Following COVID-19 Vaccination https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/36166772/
I think it's fascinating how they have to say the shots are "still effective“ at the end of some of these studies that just proved they are harmful. We could assume they probably did that just so the study will get published.
I also find when I search this topic the results are filled with pro-vaxx propaganda and they try to suggest FAKE COVID THAT NEVER EXISTED (as no viruses do) for causing eye issues. Again, they are muddying the waters to keep people away from the truth: their M.O.
Please leave a comment retelling any experiences you have witnessed regarding the convid shot and eye damage.
Some people who are unvaxxinated are also experiencing eye issues via their exposure to the freshly jabbed. Please let us know if you or anyone you know has had such experiences.
If you DO have eye damage or any vaccine damage, I have information and protocols available at Yummy.Doctor. I HIGHLY recommend a genuine Prife iTeraCare Terahertz wand. There are many methods to healing but by far the most powerful and rapid detox and healing effects have been witnessed by this device. Email support@yumnaturals.net for an info package if you are interested and watch my videos about it to better understand the science behind the healing. If you are a subscriber of Crrow777 I am on the latest Episode 502 and I speak about it, as well as many other topics to empower and overcome.
God bless, Amandha
That lends a whole new dimension to the saying, "Blinded by science".
“I think it's fascinating how they have to say the shots are "still effective“ at the end of some of these studies that just proved they are harmful. We could assume they probably did that just so the study will get published.”
I recall reading somewhere that for any vaccination studies in the large well known peer reviewed journals, there is an automatic insertion of something along the lines of…..”Vaccination is heralded as a major public health achievement & is the most effective form of infectious disease prevention…..” if the authors forget to add it in on their own.
Also, consider that the 5g wireless rollout is recognised as having 2 main body sources of absorption; the skin & eyes.