Pussy rules! Coerced to take three HPV jabs in Poland by his new girlfriend, my 64 year-old buddy kept it very quiet, all the while avoiding the Convid jib-jab! Hmnnn...

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I tried my best to read this post with an open mind, but … the fact that some of your “support resources” directly contradict one or more of your key assertions (ex. commentary v. Gardasil 💯 states viruses including HPV do indeed exist) *and* when framing your supposedly proven superior to AMA treatments you use phrases such as “it is believed” “thought to be effective” … well, as well as other aspects of your post, these features did not inspire confidence in your scientific acumen.

I absolutely agree that our US medical/pharmaceutical industry/system is deeply flawed and could do with a major overhaul, but after reading a couple of your posts, I have to say I do not agree with the direction of reformation you propose. Not that I expect to change your mind at all.

Likewise, you have not changed mine that those viruses and retroviruses I’ve seen with electron microscopy are something other than viruses nor that those same existing viral entities do not cause illness.

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thank you🩷

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ADV thank you! You’re a voice of clarity L

Pass it on pleas


We gave informed consent to Pan = All


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The truth needs to. come out. If there ever was proper informed consent that time has long passed. It clearly demonstrates a model of symptoms, a diagnosis and medicine 💊. This is not a model of prevention and wellness. It clearly shows a model of illness over wellness. The patients are left with a band-aid solution, that will take their money and leave them with injuries.

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Thanks for the wealth of knowledge and truly helpful information.

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Great post !!!!!!!! the insanity of it all is heartbreaking to say the least

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Thank you Amandha! I have sent an excerpt of your article to ~200 "officials" etc and challenged them to cite valid scientific evidence to prove no-virus people wrong.

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Seems like you've answered your own question Amandha - infertility. Also why ipads with antennas on the bottom (crotch area) are sold to children.


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