I am still dealing with this great fraud in many ways in many ways. The deeper you dig the more silly it seems...

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Can we take a step back and define some terms. I often wonder if our disagreements are not about what is going on, but around the words we use to describe what is going on. I will leave viruses out of this for now.

Are you saying that there is no such thing as a bacterium that can invade a body and reproduce beyond the ability of that body to manage the level of reproduction?

Are you saying that there is no such thing as a fungus that can invade a body and reproduce beyond the ability of that body to manage the level of reproduction?

Are you saying that there is no such thing as a parasite that can invade a body and reproduce beyond the ability of that body to manage the level of reproduction?

If any or all of these are possible, are you saying it is not possible for any of them to be, in some way, transmitted from one body to another?

If any or all of these are possible, are you saying it is not possible for someone to die from an overgrowth of one of more of these?

Are you saying that if a body has an overgrowth of any life form in that body, such as bacteria, fungi or parasites, that the overgrowth cannot be treated with an element from nature that poisons it or in some other way removes it from the body, thus helping the body to recover from the overgrowth?

Do syphilis and gonorrhoea exist?

Would you sleep with someone with syphilis or gonorrhoea?

Does tuberculosis exist?

Would you share a bed and a handkerchief with someone with tuberculosis?

I am laboring this point because I think when some people hear an argument about whether or not viruses exist, they do not clearly understand what medicine is calling a virus. they particularly do not know the difference between viruses and bacteria.

And when they go on to say there is no such thing as "catching" that nasty thing from one another, they imagine they can let a dog lick their face, and not need to worm themselves. So we really DO have to define our terms.

How many people understand the meaning of the words transmission, contagion and infection and how many can use those words correctly in context? Can you tell me which of the following statements is not true?

Transmission: Bacteria can be transmitted from person to person through direct contact (e.g., touching, kissing), droplets (e.g., coughing, sneezing), contaminated surfaces, or food and water.

Transmission: Fungal infections can be spread through direct contact with infected individuals, objects, or environments (e.g., damp surfaces). They tend to infect people with weakened bodies

Transmission: Parasites can be transmitted through contaminated food, water, insect bites (e.g., mosquitoes), or direct skin contact.

Transmission: Prions are transmitted through infected tissues, such as consuming contaminated meat or through contaminated medical instruments. They are not contagious in the conventional sense but can be spread through exposure to infected tissue.

Once we have all of this cleared up, we can go back to working out if viruses are life forms requiring management or not. Lets deal with bacterial, fungi, parasites and prions first.

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I'd prepare popcorn in anticipation of Amandha's response, but I don't eat the stuff anymore.

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I am struggling with the current confusion of what we can or cannot “catch”, and might eventually write an article defining all the terms so that we know we are talking about the same things. As I personally believe our entire medical model and diagnostics is wrong, I am happy to incorporate this stuff into my new understanding, if I can get it to make real-life rather than theoretical sense. Until then, I don’t let dogs lick my face, I don’t let mosquitoes bite me, and I don’t have sexual contact with people with STDs. Happy to be proven wrong though.

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Feeling the Love-

and Loving the Truth !

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Great article! This syncs up nicely with our Alfacast with Daniel Roytas yesterday Amandha! No wonder Looshtube took it down same day! :) sharing this with AV community now. Also I was recently kicked from Instagram so I’ve moved over here full time just FYI

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7 hrs agoLiked by Amandha Dawn Vollmer

PCR, is flawed from the start. If high cycles create false matches, it means the copying is bullshit and not exact.


As for ethylene oxide, it's a gas at room temperature, so the swabs would have evaporated it. What causes issues is when the medical morons shove it deep damaging sensitive areas.

I had to do self testing for work and the instructions said only an inch in, not deep stupidity that our medical heroes err zeroes talk about.

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Thank you so much. You are correct, it is the gas state that is cancer causing. It's the poking that's the real issue. Updated. Appreciate it.

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7 hrs agoLiked by Amandha Dawn Vollmer

The best, both of you 😁

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6 hrs agoLiked by Amandha Dawn Vollmer

Ditto! You and your daughter are soul sisters for sure! Beautiful, intense, intentional, old souls.

Have you read Babies are Cosmic by Elizabeth and Neil Carmen?

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Yes, we were sisters in a previous life! She remembered when she was a baby and told me. She explained my dream to me I never mentioned to her (I had this dream many times before her birth) about me drowning with my younger sister after pirates raided our ship. She said she was glad to have found her sister again.

Never read that book but will seek it! Thanks!

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Precious! ❤️ The book is full of stories like yours! https://babiesarecosmic.com/

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