Now we look at those who died suddenly, the fake studies…..the players and help me please with

The Prophets;)



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"Poison Alert: Dangerous Methylene Blue Pushed In Latest Assault On Our Health

Why Are Social Media Influencers Pushing Depopulation Agents?"


Tell me, are you still following and taking advice from this obvious globalist/evil one Amandha?

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Amandha - Thank you for all your research & commentary related to the C19 scamdemic & this series. Sending love & best wishes to you & everyone participating in the upcoming Finale of Virology in July.

Just watched this expert testimony by Denis Rancourt on all-cause mortality in the Canadian Citizens' Inquiry recently & it's excellent (even tho he doesn't directly take on the virology/no viruses question).

> Denis Rancourt expert testimony National Citizens Inquiry - Ottawa 17 May 2023


Summary: Denis Rancourt's expert testimony at the National Citizens Inquiry, Day 1 Ottawa, 17 May 2023. Studies of the COVID period using all-cause mortality data. See: https://denisrancourt.ca/ and see: https://correlation-canada.org/research/

Stunning & irrefutable evidence of a planned so-called "bioweapon" jab event in order to kill millions.

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Pdf link broken?

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Stay strong. In this world truth is dangerous.

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Nice work, important work. I’d like to offer some more deep information, an in depth look at the sub conscious or the id that needs consideration. Idealogical subversion, lack of sense making, re-moralization and the ritualistic component. Please consider: https://open.substack.com/pub/sinatana/p/identify-yourself_its-required?r=zickz&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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Modern Medicine has, in the instance of disease causation, placed the proverbial cart before the horse. Instead of what is imagined as "viruses" flying around on a breeze or a cough with the intent of infecting a host, the opposite is true. When provoked, or poisoned into a state of disease, the Cell manufactures all manner of microbes. These microscopic entities are designed to either repair the problem, or prepare the Cell for death, with parts reused or eliminated. A strong analogy as to what viruses and bacteria are designed for, would be to state that FLIES DON'T CAUSE THE GARBAGE! THEY SHOW UP TO CLEAN-UP THE GARBAGE. If these guys were not around to clean up dead tissue, Earth's Life Forms would "gum up" and cease to function in a day. As an aside, a glassful of seawater is estimated to contain up to six billion viruses and bacteria, all in microscopic Life Forms doing the same clean-up job as in terrestrial Life. As a fully-qualified Naturopath and Medical Herbalist, having taught the Health Sciences for the last eight years of my working life, it was my duty on day one of classes to inform students that a cup of Chamomile tea will not be of much benefit if you tear your leg off in an accident. Modern Medicine will be essential. That is, the anaesthesia, the "antibiotics", the micro-surgery, and general hospital care. The antibiotics, by the way, work by killing the out of control, exponential increase in bacterial entities produced in the wake of any Life-threatening trauma.

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For clarity.

There are not 6 billion “viruses” in a glassful of seawater, because there are no “viruses”.

Check out Mike Stone’s ViroLIEgy.com if you can’t wait for July 11th.

Thanks Amandha.

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NOTICE: I just found out our launch date will be moving into early July. Be sure to sign up and we will let you know when the exact launch is. This is a HUGE project and we want to ensure a great user experience, so we will need a few extra weeks ---- ooooh, anticipation!

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Very exciting!!

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