Thank you A.D.V. so much for this invaluable guide of links!

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Thank you for this exhaustive list of studies and resource materials. I am trying to find something to share with my 88 yr old mother. I just found out yesterday, that she is scheduled to receive a flu shot on Thursday, and I just can't get through to her. She's had 2 Covid shots, (thankfully no issues presently), and the retirement facility she lives in is not encouraging covid boosters this year. She says she's only getting the flu shot, how do we know whether or not they've actually combined them? I have begged her to not take ANY more injections of any kind. Of course she says, "well I don't understand, I've been taking the flu shot every year". Help! Anybody? I went through all of the "influenza" related studies here, and I don't find anything that is damming enough to change her mind, I fear. I don't know exactly what shot she's getting, so I can't look into it. Unfortunately she's in MI, and I live in HI. I can't get there to stop this.

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It’s painful. I spoke with my 83 year brother in law today and he said he and my sister got 4 vaccinations each today- flu, Covid, pneumonia and RSV. I asked him if he felt ok and he laughed and said- “I can’t get any healthier “. They have been programmed to believe this is what you do to stay healthy. It’s hard to undo years of that programming!!

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Fantastic work. God bless. Normies need to read this. Unfortunately reading and thinking are optional for them.

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Excellent. Keep up the good work.

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“Buy my magic healing wand…”

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'Unvaccinated children are healthier' -link shows an expired domain...

Do you have an alternative link to the study perhaps?


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Translation: unpoisoned children are healthier than poisoned children. If that does not compute I am at a loss here.

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Sep 15Liked by Amandha Dawn Vollmer

Cheers, and thanks for being on right side of history, because in end we are the ones Who cry out loud, against the total destruction and completely dumb down enslavement of humanity. Keep your good work.

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Sep 15Liked by Amandha Dawn Vollmer

Brilliant resources

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Sep 15Liked by Amandha Dawn Vollmer

Wow - no way to thank you for this font of valuable information all in one place. Thank you so very much.

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Sep 15Liked by Amandha Dawn Vollmer

True to your word re last video/comments in getting this vital info up and out for us to disseminate and share, you're a warrior Amandha and am sending you brotherly love from W.Oz <3

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Is anyone else having problems playing these videos? I'm trying to watch the one on measles, and it just keeps constantly buffering. I'm in Canada; I've tried VPN on, VPN off, WiFi on, data only on... Nothing works. So frustrating! Just wondering if Amandha's substack is getting throttled or something.

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The government is working overtime to not let you get wise to the fact that they are trying to sicken and kill you for their Globalist buddies. My podcasts are hammering on these topics and I am being banned, delisted and blocked everywhere. Kinda of a badge of honour really.

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Something going on 4 sure. Same in US with many sites, videos and podcasts. Everything being throttled. Except when paying online bills. Of course. My issues are everyday.. Especially last few weeks.

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I'm in West Australia, as far from 'civilization' as one can get and the videos, although they take a minute to load, play perfectly well and I'm using a 20 year old laptop, so, have you tried Odysee where Amandha's videos also are? They are all worth a watch, she's 'the beez kneez'.!

YAH bless <3

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Sep 15Liked by Amandha Dawn Vollmer

Vital resource, thank you ADV 🙏🏾

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Sep 15Liked by Amandha Dawn Vollmer

Amandha, you are an inspiration to me - thankyou for all you do..

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Sep 14Liked by Amandha Dawn Vollmer


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Sep 14Liked by Amandha Dawn Vollmer

Thank you so much for sharing it’s like an answer to my recent debate with few mothers! Who are so close minded. Few has stop taking to me just because I was giving them the other side which is the truth side!!

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