So good to see the truth coming to light from many sources - I'll add some insight/science/field theory behind the triggering mechanism that gets the body to purge toxins collectively IE so-called pandemics and seasonal flus:

Real Cause of Seasonal Flu & Pandemics - Detox Triggered by EMF, Toxic Injections, and Environmental Toxins https://talknet.substack.com/p/real-cause-of-seasonal-flu-and-pandemics

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Thank you -

I've included a link to this article in my extremely comprehensive article exposing vaxsins etc.

Are UnvaxSINated Children Healthier Than vaxSINated Children?


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but most Sheeple will disregard, as it doesn't come from the Gogglebox…and the Gogglebox told them everything from the “on the line” is false

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Lets call these 'vaccines' only harmful injections, as that is what they are and nobody wants to take any of those.

I think that addressing the cause for the idea for 'vaccination' is easier to understand. People are injected with these only harmful injections because they think they are protecting themselves against 'transmissible disease'.

Which could never be proven to exist in the many experiment that are done.


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Great compilation of information, thank you.

Back in 1994 my 6 month old unvaccinated baby contracted whooping cough. Her 2 older unvaccinated siblings did not contract this 'highly contagious' disease.

I had an excellent herbalist who had given me valuable information on what to do with a baby with colic.

She was my go to! She gave 5 or 6 tiny tablets to melt in the mouth - cough was gone within a few days.

I would say for anyone choosing not to vaccinate, become familiar with the alternative practitioners in your area.

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I was vaccine injured, autistic and reversed it with knowledge. F.Y.I: All autism is brain inflammation caused by the vax ( thank you, Dr. Blaylock). Detox the heavy metals and other adjuvants, as well as the parasites in the shots, and will make autism disappear. Stop eating inflammatory foods, such as lectins and recovery times speed up. Stop being a victim of the pharmaceutical industry.

My vaccine injury recovery story:


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I feel for you folks trying to protect elderly family members.

As for me, 2 out of 3 siblings (in their 60's) are all on board with the bioweapons for themselves and their children. But hallelujah, my 97 year-old mother refuses all quackzines in spite of pressure from my 2 brothers. She lives alone in the house we grew up in (with outside support), is on no meds, yes lots of supplements. Considers me her "health guru" and health care POA. I'm sure that is why she is still around.

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Amazing compilation, thank you!! Saw many already but all together now!

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Thank you A.D.V. so much for this invaluable guide of links!

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Thank you for this exhaustive list of studies and resource materials. I am trying to find something to share with my 88 yr old mother. I just found out yesterday, that she is scheduled to receive a flu shot on Thursday, and I just can't get through to her. She's had 2 Covid shots, (thankfully no issues presently), and the retirement facility she lives in is not encouraging covid boosters this year. She says she's only getting the flu shot, how do we know whether or not they've actually combined them? I have begged her to not take ANY more injections of any kind. Of course she says, "well I don't understand, I've been taking the flu shot every year". Help! Anybody? I went through all of the "influenza" related studies here, and I don't find anything that is damming enough to change her mind, I fear. I don't know exactly what shot she's getting, so I can't look into it. Unfortunately she's in MI, and I live in HI. I can't get there to stop this.

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Vaccinated are at higher risk of flu AND all illness:

A 2011 study found that seasonal flu shots increase the risk of flu by 73% and doubled the risk of non-flu respiratory infections.


A 2011 study confirmed that annual influenza vaccination indeed hampers the development of a robust cell-mediated immunity. Annual vaccination for influenza, “may render young children who have not previously been infected with an influenza virus more susceptible to infection with a pandemic influenza virus of a novel subtype.”


A 2018 study found there was an increase of acute respiratory infections caused by non-influenza respiratory pathogens following influenza vaccination compared to unvaccinated children.


Children who get the flu vaccine have 3x the risk of being hospitalized for flu.


A 2014 study found that the more the people had been vaccinated in prior years, the less effective the vaccine is at preventing the most recent season’s dominant H3N2 virus.

As they put it, “vaccine-induced protection was greatest for individuals not vaccinated during the prior 5 years.”


Not only are there serious questions about the efficacy of the flu vaccine, there is evidence to suggest that getting the vaccine every year may cause damage to the immune system.

In a 2016 study, researchers found that people who were vaccinated against the flu three years in a row were actually at higher risk of being infected with the flu.


Increased Risk of Noninfluenza Respiratory Virus Infections Associated With Receipt of Inactivated Influenza Vaccine


A randomized controlled trial in 2012 found that influenza-vaccinated children had no significantly lessened risk from influenza and also a higher risk of infection from non-influenza viruses.


Influenza virus made stronger by vaccines:


Flu vaccine increases risk of upper respiratory infection:


Flu vaccine makes people >6x more infectious than non-vaccinated when they contract influenza A:


2014 study - Influenza-like illness was more common in children vaccinated against influenza



A study that compared children who received the flu vaccine to those who did not found the same rate of influenza in both groups following vaccination. It also found that the group of children who received the flu vaccine had a 4.4 times higher rate of non-influenza respiratory tract infections.


Annual influenza vaccination hampers the development of virus-specific CD8(+) T cell responses


Vaccination may make flu worse if exposed to a second strain


A review in the medical journal The Lancet found a lack of health benefits from influenza vaccine in children under two along with significantly increased rates of vaccine-related adverse events.


A study published in Pediatrics International of Japanese children ages 6 months to 2 years who were vaccinated against the flu found that the influenza vaccine did not reduce the rate of influenza A infections in children under two.


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It is so tough when they are deeply programmed like that. There is not so much you can really do other than pray for their well being.

Here is some information:



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It’s painful. I spoke with my 83 year brother in law today and he said he and my sister got 4 vaccinations each today- flu, Covid, pneumonia and RSV. I asked him if he felt ok and he laughed and said- “I can’t get any healthier “. They have been programmed to believe this is what you do to stay healthy. It’s hard to undo years of that programming!!

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Fantastic work. God bless. Normies need to read this. Unfortunately reading and thinking are optional for them.

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Excellent. Keep up the good work.

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'Unvaccinated children are healthier' -link shows an expired domain...

Do you have an alternative link to the study perhaps?


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Links updated. If any link is broken, just pop it into the wayback machine to locate. Thanks!

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Translation: unpoisoned children are healthier than poisoned children. If that does not compute I am at a loss here.

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Cheers, and thanks for being on right side of history, because in end we are the ones Who cry out loud, against the total destruction and completely dumb down enslavement of humanity. Keep your good work.

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Brilliant resources

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Wow - no way to thank you for this font of valuable information all in one place. Thank you so very much.

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