When I see those huge windmills my stomach turns. It turns even more when I see a whole farm of them in ruins. They just leave them there and find another large portion of land to destroy. You can see they arent powering anything in the middle of fields. My electric bill hasnt gone down any because of them thats for sure. Just like with flouride and homelessness, theres too many people employed because of them. Itll never stop.
This agenda is so strong and the pull so coercive. The other day I was enjoying a song ("Starlight", BTW) by the band Muse, when I recalled that they had called out the NWO in their music in the past.
So I looked into where they are now, only to find out that their singer/guitarist, Matt Bellamy, who questioned 9/11 and sang "they will not control us" almost two decades ago, was a big investor in "green" startups and supports "decarbonisation". His Wiki page also says that he proudly took the CovAIDS injection and supported mandatory face muzzling. What a twat!
There really are no heroes in the public realm that is served up to us.
Meanwhile China and India build out all the power plant generation projects they can handle of every type to see what works best and manufacture practically everything we use and handle most of the dirty mining and processing operations that Western nations reject because of environmental mandates.
At some point, the West will have to get its shit together and stop being the laughing stock of the world. I just read about Samsung's solid state batteries which could revolutionize the world of EVs but of course the new rule has become to wait and see what happens because we've become jaded with so many empty promises.
The entire world would have to come together to solve these issues, mainly sourcing raw materials and sharing the responsibilities of refining. processing, transporting, manufacturing, adding infrastructure in a way that resolves conflicts which is not looking good right now, but these breakthroughs might just tip the balance simply by adding a drop of Hopium to the mix.
That said, much of what governments and non-governmental organizations are pushing follows the dreams of the Technocrats with almost blanket centralization of all activity under corporations while appearing to add more choice and decentralization.
At the moment, I wonder if there's any way of actually going along with any of this without selling your soul to the system, without handing over your biometric ID and all the rest of it. At some point, for many freedom-minded people, the only realistic option left will be to drop out entirely into communities that share these values. I imagine we'll still be able to communicate with a few tweaks here and there.
"Failed" implies intentions being as advertised but merely didn't pan out and thus ended, but none of that seems actually to be the case. The "green" agenda continues unimpeded still as does the rest of the 2030 utter lunacy it is part of. They aren't trying to "save the planet" any more than they were trying to save anyone's health. These are little more than convenient things to say that sound appealing to many people while the real objective is always just more control - and it works every. single. time.
As with so many issues, the population has been completely polarized by very effective propaganda. Either 'green' energy (mandated by totalitarian government) is the solution to all of our energy and environmental problems, 'climate change' is because of the evil CO2 and will soon kill us all if we don't support totalitarian government; or, 'green' energy technology such as solar photovoltaics and wind-powered generators are a scam, don't work, there's no 'climate change' and environmentalism is idiocy, and we should stick with using all the petroleum we want (currently 97 million barrels per day, globally).
Both views are highly irrational, and both views are the result of pervasive propaganda.
Indeed, the whole 'global warming' and 'climate change' narratives coming from the Democrats, ever since the incredibly-hollow Al Gore first touched off the psyop, is propaganda and anti-science. One of the astounding things it accomplished is that it killed what remained of true, reason & compassion-based environmentalism. Suddenly the only solution was/is to empower a massive expansion of government tyranny in order to 'save' us. Obviously, that was the goal from the start.
Because some saw through the fake case first made by Al Gore, the opposite camp was formed with opposing propaganda; the 'all is great with petroleum' camp. This dialectic is always the strategy of the ruling class, because it insures that nobody is rational, there's constant conflict, and therefore no real political opposition is possible.
However, solar photovoltaics, for example, really does work incredibly well. Manufacturing efficiency gains over the decades has reduced the energy investment in manufacturing a 'solar panel' to approximately two years of generation by that solar panel, and the average solar panel will generate power with zero maintenance cost for the next 40 years or more. If they were used exclusively on already-developed space, such as rooftops and parking lots, there would be no negative environmental impact, and they could generate a large percentage of our electric usage at extremely low cost. And they're roughly 90% recyclable (although as Dawn mentioned, recycling to date is a total scam, and almost nothing is being recycled).
One of the interesting things about the 'liberal' side of the propaganda is that it's completely fake, and almost nothing is being done to create renewable energy infrastructure. The US still has virtually zero solar equipment manufacturing, and virtually no investment by the big Wall Street funds insures that no significant manufacturing or infrastructure is coming. And quietly, without a mention in the media, the US is breaking records for domestic oil production, with a government regime that's supposedly trying to eradicate oil production.
It's all a game, and almost everyone is highly-manipulated.
Climate, I'm afraid, is changing toward far more disturbing, for the earth's magnetic pole shift underway, weakening the earth's field even if we do get beautiful auroral shows down in Arizona now... it's about to hit the fan for everyone everywhere. They, the weather modification industrial complex, know it, use it, even induce it to their advantage. yeah? yes.
Gorites have made fortunes at the expense of the rest of mankind. When Gore was finally determined to have lost the race for the Presidency, to the Military Industrial Complex war dupe, George Bush, Gore had to find a new gig to maintain his arrogant profile, and make a buck. Global Warming fear porn was his jackpot !
When I see those huge windmills my stomach turns. It turns even more when I see a whole farm of them in ruins. They just leave them there and find another large portion of land to destroy. You can see they arent powering anything in the middle of fields. My electric bill hasnt gone down any because of them thats for sure. Just like with flouride and homelessness, theres too many people employed because of them. Itll never stop.
This agenda is so strong and the pull so coercive. The other day I was enjoying a song ("Starlight", BTW) by the band Muse, when I recalled that they had called out the NWO in their music in the past.
So I looked into where they are now, only to find out that their singer/guitarist, Matt Bellamy, who questioned 9/11 and sang "they will not control us" almost two decades ago, was a big investor in "green" startups and supports "decarbonisation". His Wiki page also says that he proudly took the CovAIDS injection and supported mandatory face muzzling. What a twat!
There really are no heroes in the public realm that is served up to us.
Massive electric power driving microwaves, worldwide, 24/7, immediately creates heat - heat which is directly measured 'Global Warming.'
Environmentalism - Green communism.
Using the environment to regulate humans out of existence.
You know something is wrong with society when people are chanting “trust the science” or “science is real”—few things are more unscientific.
Or when people celebrate the zero CO2 agenda, forgetting we need CO2 to breathe.
Meanwhile China and India build out all the power plant generation projects they can handle of every type to see what works best and manufacture practically everything we use and handle most of the dirty mining and processing operations that Western nations reject because of environmental mandates.
At some point, the West will have to get its shit together and stop being the laughing stock of the world. I just read about Samsung's solid state batteries which could revolutionize the world of EVs but of course the new rule has become to wait and see what happens because we've become jaded with so many empty promises.
The entire world would have to come together to solve these issues, mainly sourcing raw materials and sharing the responsibilities of refining. processing, transporting, manufacturing, adding infrastructure in a way that resolves conflicts which is not looking good right now, but these breakthroughs might just tip the balance simply by adding a drop of Hopium to the mix.
That said, much of what governments and non-governmental organizations are pushing follows the dreams of the Technocrats with almost blanket centralization of all activity under corporations while appearing to add more choice and decentralization.
At the moment, I wonder if there's any way of actually going along with any of this without selling your soul to the system, without handing over your biometric ID and all the rest of it. At some point, for many freedom-minded people, the only realistic option left will be to drop out entirely into communities that share these values. I imagine we'll still be able to communicate with a few tweaks here and there.
100% correct - the program is very strong with the young one though - our fault really.
"Failed" implies intentions being as advertised but merely didn't pan out and thus ended, but none of that seems actually to be the case. The "green" agenda continues unimpeded still as does the rest of the 2030 utter lunacy it is part of. They aren't trying to "save the planet" any more than they were trying to save anyone's health. These are little more than convenient things to say that sound appealing to many people while the real objective is always just more control - and it works every. single. time.
Amandha .... you hit the nail squarely on its fraudulent head.
Thank you !
As with so many issues, the population has been completely polarized by very effective propaganda. Either 'green' energy (mandated by totalitarian government) is the solution to all of our energy and environmental problems, 'climate change' is because of the evil CO2 and will soon kill us all if we don't support totalitarian government; or, 'green' energy technology such as solar photovoltaics and wind-powered generators are a scam, don't work, there's no 'climate change' and environmentalism is idiocy, and we should stick with using all the petroleum we want (currently 97 million barrels per day, globally).
Both views are highly irrational, and both views are the result of pervasive propaganda.
Indeed, the whole 'global warming' and 'climate change' narratives coming from the Democrats, ever since the incredibly-hollow Al Gore first touched off the psyop, is propaganda and anti-science. One of the astounding things it accomplished is that it killed what remained of true, reason & compassion-based environmentalism. Suddenly the only solution was/is to empower a massive expansion of government tyranny in order to 'save' us. Obviously, that was the goal from the start.
Because some saw through the fake case first made by Al Gore, the opposite camp was formed with opposing propaganda; the 'all is great with petroleum' camp. This dialectic is always the strategy of the ruling class, because it insures that nobody is rational, there's constant conflict, and therefore no real political opposition is possible.
However, solar photovoltaics, for example, really does work incredibly well. Manufacturing efficiency gains over the decades has reduced the energy investment in manufacturing a 'solar panel' to approximately two years of generation by that solar panel, and the average solar panel will generate power with zero maintenance cost for the next 40 years or more. If they were used exclusively on already-developed space, such as rooftops and parking lots, there would be no negative environmental impact, and they could generate a large percentage of our electric usage at extremely low cost. And they're roughly 90% recyclable (although as Dawn mentioned, recycling to date is a total scam, and almost nothing is being recycled).
One of the interesting things about the 'liberal' side of the propaganda is that it's completely fake, and almost nothing is being done to create renewable energy infrastructure. The US still has virtually zero solar equipment manufacturing, and virtually no investment by the big Wall Street funds insures that no significant manufacturing or infrastructure is coming. And quietly, without a mention in the media, the US is breaking records for domestic oil production, with a government regime that's supposedly trying to eradicate oil production.
It's all a game, and almost everyone is highly-manipulated.
Climate, I'm afraid, is changing toward far more disturbing, for the earth's magnetic pole shift underway, weakening the earth's field even if we do get beautiful auroral shows down in Arizona now... it's about to hit the fan for everyone everywhere. They, the weather modification industrial complex, know it, use it, even induce it to their advantage. yeah? yes.
Gorites have made fortunes at the expense of the rest of mankind. When Gore was finally determined to have lost the race for the Presidency, to the Military Industrial Complex war dupe, George Bush, Gore had to find a new gig to maintain his arrogant profile, and make a buck. Global Warming fear porn was his jackpot !
Thank you, Amandha!!! You're absolutely right about all of this!!
Thank you, Amandha!!! You're absolutely right about all of this!!
Amen, sister!
sobering language!
I read an article but can’t remember the source which said USA restricted solar panels which had higher conversion rate !
Can anyone confirm 🙏