Hi Amandha, I don't have your new email so here's a link to the show. Delete this if you want since it doesn't fit here.


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not to mention the botox and fillers contain human dna 😵 is this another way theyre getting the jibby in EVERYONE?!

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Very possible. I have coworkers obsessed with vanity. Hundreds of dollars at the spa to fight lookiing old.

I choose to keep my money.

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Mar 1·edited Mar 1

Definitely a topic worth discussing and I hope you'll welcome some nuanced debate from a reader who agrees with 98% of what you say and growing (you helped me understand stratospheric injections and prompted me to question the nature and shape of our planet).

Firstly, I look at modern medical aesthetics as technology, which like other technologies can be used to improve our life experience. As is often the case - it's overdone, which erases beauty - the opposite of its intention. Just like make up may have once been considered 'deceptive' and only for ladies of the night - medical aesthetics are a beauty tool in their early stages, which may continue to take shape in terms of their acceptance. Let's assume botox and filler are relatively 'safe' if used correctly (we really don't know long term and abstaining is obviously the safest bet, but people are not dropping dead such as with other injections). If they can alleviate people's deep insecurities - this does offer value to some. They may not be able to internally conquer pressures towards patriarchal beauty standards, so maybe the cheat route does benefit them.

Secondly, the beautiful girl who started the no filter movement is actually ahead of the game in terms of aging - she doesn't have the angry lines that pop up mid-20s ('elevens'), her freckles are of the nature that people pay to tattoo on these days (a 'natural' beauty trend), and her face naturally has the beauty standards people are paying to achieve, so her sacrificing herself to lay nakedly for the world to see is actually just promoting that only the naturally beautiful deserve the title, and those who pay to feel the experience of beauty are fraudulent.

Thirdly, the 'frozen' look is not the intention of using botox and fillers. That would be a sign of bad work. Most people who use these injections do not achieve that level unless they're on Selling Sunset or Real Housewives (it's expensive!), and one probably would not being able to recognize the women who are using these products. Botox, for example, only lasts a few months.

Also, consider that there are other beauty tools such as laser facials that can expose pre-cancerous areas and actually reset sun damage (eg. IPL). These clinics usually offer an array of tools for customers to choose from.

While I am on the same page of the writer in thinking this alien beauty trend is not attractive, and skeptical of the industry in its predatory intentions, I do think modern beauty technology does provide a service for many as long as they use it in moderation as a 'boost', not to rewire their whole look. Just like no one questions braces as being 'vain' anymore, I think we could recognize that in many cases, suddenly being able to have an upper lip where you didn't, or breasts where they never grew, or even the stress lifted from your brow could be worth a few thousand dollars for people who want to feel more in control of their appearance. For some, when they lessen that one insecurity that has always plagued them, they may feel their true beauty can shine. Although it's entirely possible to feel that once one fire is put out - time to move to the next one and get caught in plastic surgery addiction, that seems to be the minority of cases.

While there is definitely a societal sickness in terms of fear of aging, which seems to be worsening among Gen Z due to their worth being even more tied to their appearance with social media, hopefully we can destigmatize the medical beauty industry and open the conversation to how it can intersect with health as beauty so it's not one or the other. After all, women who may use these products may be just as intelligent, valuable, and healthy as other women who choose not to. Just as some of us are vxx damaged, others are self-esteem damaged from childhood and just coping in a sick world, wishing not to be even further judged among the circles of their equals where they have just as much to contribute.

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The older I get, the more it becomes apparent that plastic surgery addicts are in a monkey trap. Aging is not a disease. I repeat: AGING IS NOT A DISEASE. An old woman with an artificially young face is like an ancient oak that has been stripped of its bark. It looks naked and dead. The return on investment diminishes as time marches on. Martha Stewart was one of those who looked OK for awhile and now looks absolutely ghoulish. Don't even get me started about men who fall for it like Burt Reynolds (ick!) and Simon Cowell. Ariana Grande, once beautiful, has already disfigured herself. Her nose is turning into a Michael Jackson situation. The Kardashians all look like weird robots and they get worse every year. In an odd way, I am glad these people showed us what not to do. Never have I been more grateful for not being able to afford Botox or fillers when I was not as secure. If it ain't broke, don't fix it.

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Fascinating article, thanks. I was laughing because my borderline ex-wife used to tell me she needed to have her forehead botoxed to prevent headaches, that it wasn’t to do with her frown lines really but that her forehead being paralysed and the lines not showing was just an extra bonus. But in her case her lack of empathy was far more fundamental! Still, I’d never thought of it as a part of the transhumanist agenda, that is interesting. I’ve always found natural women more attractive and always feel sorry for women who feel they have to go after the fake ‘Barbie’ or Pamela Anderson look, how sad. I’ve also been perplexed by ‘twerking’ where women wobble excess fat on their behinds thinking it’s attractive lol, what? Maybe I’m just an out of date old man at 54 or maybe the above article has helped convince me that the people who adopt the latest fashions are frightened approval/attention seekers who are not content to be themselves, very sad.

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Botoxed, filled & de- buccalized faces,

transmit broken signals...

( currently in fema region IX, in proximity to the capitol of Zombie Bratz Doll$ In leggings )

“it hurts to look...”

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The lack of appreciation for both sexes to be closer to their natural biology and born attributes frustrates me equally. Social anthropology might look back on this timeframe with interest and the many downstream effects, one is the precipitous drop in procreation (which is for many reasons of course.)

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I met a new neighbor in the parking lot today, who moved into my apt bldg a couple weeks ago. It was the first time I've seen her face-to-face, up close. Good God! She obviously has had work done on her face. It looked horrid, monstrously distorted! It was unnaturally swollen in some places, and grossly bloated in others. Does she, and her plastic surgeon believe this is an improvement? attractive? sexy? Did she actually pay money for this result? So, so sad on many levels.

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It's not just trans human, it's narcissistic.

This shit happened for centuries but it used to be mostly only with the upper classes.

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Feb 27·edited Feb 27

The serine divinity of the shell our maker gave us is both complex and majestic. These pathetic in-breeds who seek to diminish us are really of no consequence. And to the vagaries of beauty, I am for a woman who knows who she is and revels in her own self - is that not where beauty resides - for all of us? Exhibit A -> AV.

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Amandha I love what you do. It always floors me in amazement. I do not call myself a feminist as I see feminism as an offshoot of patriarchy - feminists jostle for a place at the man's table. I want women to initiate building a new table where men and women in true equilibrium, come together and decide. I think I like female empowerer because that's what I see myself as doing. But we sisters have a bit of a way to go as we do not empower each other. Men have their "Brotherhood" and it shall never be put asunder, but women are still not empowering each other. We need new ideas, new paradigms and new actions. It bothers me immensely that women are literally being dictated to from morning till night on how we should look, and behave. I would like it if we threw our bras away. This business of perky breasts is juvenile. Breasts are so political because they are only ever used for male scintillation. When do we see mothers freely breastfeeding their infants? We never see it in moves or in real life. Women feel they have to hide if they do it at all. Yet this does a huge disservice to our girls because it is through seeing breastfeeding that will normalize it. And most new mothers don't even know how to do it. They may know intellectually but when they come to do it, have no clue. This is something that is natural or should be. But if we don't see it, it needs to then be learned. Another thing is women's faces are so made up. Now with this new eyebrow look. There is no way I would spend so long in front of the mirror. We need to support women to have brains and skills not look pretty. It's ok to look pretty but it's not enough or even satisfactory. Many young women are getting the idea right about equal chores but women have now been thoroughly brainwashed into patriarchy so that they are constantly looking at themselves. Young women know we can do anything men can do, but we don't know how to do what women can do! Femininity has almost been totally lost. We can see this too by the way we treat the earth. There is a lot to femininity that isn't recognized in patriarchy such as our fierce championing of the truth and defense of the vulnerable. True femininity also entails knowing how to direct the feral aspects of the masculine for without women as his counsel, a man is lost and depraved. All that comes from the imbalance of the masculine and the feminine is inversion. As we can see playing out right now. It's time for women to rise up. What does that mean? It means speak up. Don't be afraid to say the wrong thing. If we look at who's speaking today, we see there is again, a plethora of men and very few women. So the female perspective is being drowned out yet again. Amandha you are an awesome representative of women. Girls and even women, need some good models they can look to because the ones we mostly see are not very admirable. Thank you fro covering his aspect of what is being done to women today.

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Amanda, are you aware of the effects of blue light EMF on our our skin e.g. "screen dermatitis?"


Thank you for everything you do!

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Feb 27Liked by Amandha Dawn Vollmer

your info on the clear skies conference- was stellar- i've sent that out to at least 100 people- thank you! valeri

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