I would check out Nutramedix.ec for rigorous studies about Lyme disease and treatment with herbals and detoxification agents. If you skip the microbial issue altogether you are missing a crucial part of treatment for Lyme disease.

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Could it be some kind of histamine issue? We get bit by mosquitoes, our bodies send histamines to increase blood flow at the bite. Idk. Anyway I was thinking about you today while listening to Dr Lee Merritt talk to Greg Reese about when she learned about the bogus PCR tests. I'd like to thank you for putting out a short vid on bitchute. I was listening to Kaufman and Icke talk about them in late '20 sometime, I started searching for more on the subject and found you. I didn't know who you were yet but you'd just learned about chromosome 8 and all that. Changed everything for me from that moment. I was lucky to have been exposed to some greats and I'm glad I listened. Thank you!

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For anyone wondering who Amandha's unnamed colleague is, it's Vil.

Amanadha copied and pasted his research on. Lyme disease from the Google doc complied by him, which can be viewed here -


I think he deserves a mention at the very least, seeing as this article consist mostly of his work.

In addition, anyone interested in his other research work can also check out his substack.


His research and work on polio is unmatched, highly recommended.

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What are your thoughts on bio energy testing? I had one a few months ago that pointed to Lyme and I’ve found it interesting that there seems to be a lot of overlap between Lyme and Long Covid.

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🤦🏻‍♀️ I can’t even.

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There are no correct 'treatments'! Only the body can heal itself, only the body can detox itself.

And here you are recommending 'remedies' which do nothing but add more burden to the body, you're actually advising people to poison themselves! Nice little earner though ay 🤔

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Excellent explanation/example of the Terrain reality vs the contagion theory! Thank you!!

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what i like most about following you is your the only person i have ever heard ( just read) that there is no immune system --------- i agree a 100 %%%%%%----- although if i were to say that in public they will think i am crazy just like if i said there is no covid 19 or viruses as presented -------- thank you for being one of the few lights of sanity out there

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EMF increases Lyme and other pathogenic bacteria by 600x:


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I was going to say poisoning...then "Well, it is a system that has been poisoned...". I think it's all poisoning (unless you're eating rubbish - which may as well be poisoning). The medical system is weaponised to rebrand poisoning from chemicals, which are everywhere, as one 'disease' or another. Every so-called 'autoimmune' disease - every one, without exception - is the rebranding of symptoms of poisoning. I was diagnosed with MS, but knew I'd been poisoned. Thanks Amanda for helping with the detox.

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