Amanda, I'm a lover of Shivambu and appreciate your videos and writing. What do you think of using methylene blue while doing urine therapy? And what do you think of methylene blue in general? Thx--
I have a tonne, but I assume you want others to chime in. I promise I am not lying with my testimonials in the article. Here's one quick one: A friend of mine has anaphylaxis to peanuts and was exposed. His throat was closing and his tongue was swelling up. He texted me in alarm and I reminded him about his urine. He drank it right away and within minutes everything settled down. When I mean life-saving, I really mean it.
Wow that’s incredible! I began imbibing since I found a lovely gift in my breast, but stopped due to a 3 day long, low grade headache that was not budging. Assumed I was experiencing a healing symptom. I used my ozone generator for the first time today (ozonated some water) and was thrilled to find it relented within 30 minutes. Thanks for sharing and love hearing success stories!
Yes! I almost mentioned I was thinking that as well, but felt silly saying it since it’s not advisable to mix ozone water with a full tummy… anyway, thanks for the thoughts!
Pretty dang convincing. I licked urinals during 2021 and 2022 to prove there was never an epidemic. True story. Therefore this seems like a logical upgrade for me. I've usually avoided the internet and my only source on Shivambu for a few years has been a typo-ridden Brother Sage "book" so it's weird to see someone writing about this without grammar whoppers. I've been getting certain results on the outside for years, but this has convinced me to join the cistern brethren with all you brothers and cisterns. Greetings, cisterns!
Amandha, I was so impressed with your article on Urine Therapy that I immediately subscribed to your Substack writings. It’s a funny world we live where people that speak the truth get blasted. It’s interesting to me how the powers that be have held back very important information on how we can heal ourselves through fasting and urine therapy and common herbs and breathing exercises and Qi Gong and yoga, note that everything I just mentioned is free! And then through spreading lies they have duped the population into believing the lies. Then the ignorant population are the ones that do the attacking! Thank you for standing up to the truth. Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free!
I understand it is difficult to use a non biochemical language to describe heeling processes even for the naturopathic doctors. But the biochemical terms are still nonsensical due to the invalidity of the experiment setup:
In Gaza, where medicine is absent, urine therapy might be helpful to treat wounds, burns, etc. I have a question about urine. My urine is straw colored, but with a very strong smell. It's been this way for several years. Any thoughts on the cause?
What is interesting is that once you start working with your urine, due to feedback, your urine changes accordingly. Urine will tell you everything going on with your body. It could be something you are eating, could indicate a medical problem, hormonal changes, inflammation, etc...Start working with it and you will get more information...
Urine has healed my skin issues topically, urine has healed my UTI and I no longer get them after doing urine therapy.
Urine therapy has regrown my hair. Urine therapy has given me increased energy and a sense of well-being. I now look younger and have less wrinkles. Ask yourself how any of this could be negative.
Urine therapy has healed thousands with testimonials.
Urea is an essential part of the body. Urea is recycled in bears during hibernation: it is used to build amino acids and preserve muscle among other benefits.
Urine injections have no contraindications, have healed anything you can think of including late stage cancers, and have been around for a hundred years with known benefits.
Much of what we are taught is wrong, even carbon dioxide has uses inside the body.
Urine has stem cells, growth hormone, and others.
Eventually you realize urine is a billion dollar industry for skin care and health.
Urine contains high levels of nitrogen and phosphorus.
Aged urine: day one 140 stem cells. Day 21 100 million stem cells.
“Let's talk about how your body came into formation. The amniotic fluid in your mother's womb is urine. For the first 3 months, it's your mom's pee. For the remaining 6 months, it's mainly your pee. There's no umbilical cord attached to your genitals; it's attached to your intestines. That should be another piece of proof to people that urine is not a waste product. Waste goes through your intestines—that's what the excretory channel is for. If urine were a waste product, how is it possible that from day one, the human fetus, the zygote, the embryo, is floating in urine! Urine is the ultimate liquid. It is the perfect water. It's what we grow in. We would not have grown without it.
And when you're in the womb, if you remember, you breathe like a fish. You are continually sucking your own urine in and out of your mouth. That is more proof that it's not a waste product. If urine were a waste product, the human fetus would just be getting dirtier and dirtier in the womb. It would be a cesspool in there, but it's not. You are actually peeing out the water, which is the water that "breaks" at birth. You are peeing out the water that you become. That water physically forms your body.
Urine is also known as living liquid tissue. In urine therapy, if you have a problem with your eyes, you put urine drops in your eyes. That urine becomes your eyes. If you have a cut on your skin, put urine on the cut. That urine becomes your skin. Babies come out, and they smell sweet. They have fluffy, smooth skin. The supermodel's biggest secret is that she puts urine on her face at night. The urea in urine allows each and every skin cell to hold its maximum amount of water. This makes for beautifully plump skin. In this way, urine will erase wrinkles. Wrinkles are just lines of decrepit skin cells that are holding low amounts of water, so they contract and get all crippled. You start giving them urine, which has urea, and that enables them to hold their maximum amount of water at the same time that you're offering them the most awesome water in the universe. The skin cells quickly fill up with this beautiful water, and the wrinkles disappear.”
Here is what I have learned. There is a substance in your body called CSF (Cerebral Spinal Fluid). Look that up. As the name suggests, your brain and spine are swimming in it. At any given time, there is about 150 - 250 ml of the stuff inside your body. Your body produces 550 - 650 ml of CSF per day. This means that the system flushes up to three times per day. Where do you think that fluid gets flushed to? Did you ever wonder how stem cells get into urine? I did. This is how. Did you also know that this CSF is the very first thing that develops when we are growing in our mothers womb? Did you also know that, at the very center of this fluidic system is your Pineal Gland?
Thank you for this wonderful informative article, especially for the links to the books in pdf.
I used my own morning urine to cure myself of nail fungus on my toes. Collected my urine, made 30min footbaths twice a day, and peed on cotton wool which I wrapped round my toes and slept all night. A month later the fungus was gone!
I then tried drinking it.
Tastes a little like celery juice! A little salty.
With my busy life I let it slide and didn’t do urine therapy again till last year. I was having terrible problems with my teeth. My dentist said I needed a root canal in one, and my front lower teeth were wobbly because my jaw bone was soft.
I didn’t have the root canal but instead started using my first morning urine as a mouth wash, slooshing it in my mouth for about 1 minute, then drinking it.
When I returned to the dentist 6 months later she said my tooth that needed a root canal hadn’t got any worse and whatever I was doing I should continue!
My wobbly teeth also firmed up and are gradually getting less wobbly and more firm.
Excellent! Yes, I use it as mouthwash every morning. The little pains I used to have are gone. Using it and my tooth soap repaired a cavity. Truly life-changing.
I have been using UT for over 30 years with excellent results.
Absolutely magnificent Amanda,,
I'll give this a lot of thought and I've seen this on your substack for a while and I just now read the whole freaking thing
Thank you for your truth in your hard work..
I'm drinking some pee in the morning not too much though
Amanda, I'm a lover of Shivambu and appreciate your videos and writing. What do you think of using methylene blue while doing urine therapy? And what do you think of methylene blue in general? Thx--
I can Hardley wait to try it!!!!!!
Truly appreciate the golden nuggets in this article Amandha, thank you.
Very helpful resource to give to those in need of substantial evidence for the application of this priceless therapy.
Can anyone speak to healing symptoms they’ve experienced on UT?
I have a tonne, but I assume you want others to chime in. I promise I am not lying with my testimonials in the article. Here's one quick one: A friend of mine has anaphylaxis to peanuts and was exposed. His throat was closing and his tongue was swelling up. He texted me in alarm and I reminded him about his urine. He drank it right away and within minutes everything settled down. When I mean life-saving, I really mean it.
Wow that’s incredible! I began imbibing since I found a lovely gift in my breast, but stopped due to a 3 day long, low grade headache that was not budging. Assumed I was experiencing a healing symptom. I used my ozone generator for the first time today (ozonated some water) and was thrilled to find it relented within 30 minutes. Thanks for sharing and love hearing success stories!
Excellent! Ozone is also a game changer. Ozonated urine, hmm, you've got me thinking...
Yes! I almost mentioned I was thinking that as well, but felt silly saying it since it’s not advisable to mix ozone water with a full tummy… anyway, thanks for the thoughts!
Pretty dang convincing. I licked urinals during 2021 and 2022 to prove there was never an epidemic. True story. Therefore this seems like a logical upgrade for me. I've usually avoided the internet and my only source on Shivambu for a few years has been a typo-ridden Brother Sage "book" so it's weird to see someone writing about this without grammar whoppers. I've been getting certain results on the outside for years, but this has convinced me to join the cistern brethren with all you brothers and cisterns. Greetings, cisterns!
--david thor
Amandha, I was so impressed with your article on Urine Therapy that I immediately subscribed to your Substack writings. It’s a funny world we live where people that speak the truth get blasted. It’s interesting to me how the powers that be have held back very important information on how we can heal ourselves through fasting and urine therapy and common herbs and breathing exercises and Qi Gong and yoga, note that everything I just mentioned is free! And then through spreading lies they have duped the population into believing the lies. Then the ignorant population are the ones that do the attacking! Thank you for standing up to the truth. Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free!
Thank you! I am co-authoring a book on the topic, as well. Stay tuned!
Dear Amandha,
I understand it is difficult to use a non biochemical language to describe heeling processes even for the naturopathic doctors. But the biochemical terms are still nonsensical due to the invalidity of the experiment setup:
If you do not alreasy know how. Here is my podcast on how to Urine Therapy for beginners instruction:
My story of how I discovered Urine Therapy:
This topic elicits some explosive responses. Interesting.
In Gaza, where medicine is absent, urine therapy might be helpful to treat wounds, burns, etc. I have a question about urine. My urine is straw colored, but with a very strong smell. It's been this way for several years. Any thoughts on the cause?
What is interesting is that once you start working with your urine, due to feedback, your urine changes accordingly. Urine will tell you everything going on with your body. It could be something you are eating, could indicate a medical problem, hormonal changes, inflammation, etc...Start working with it and you will get more information...
Thank you. I like your advice.
Urine has healed my skin issues topically, urine has healed my UTI and I no longer get them after doing urine therapy.
Urine therapy has regrown my hair. Urine therapy has given me increased energy and a sense of well-being. I now look younger and have less wrinkles. Ask yourself how any of this could be negative.
Urine therapy has healed thousands with testimonials.
Urea is an essential part of the body. Urea is recycled in bears during hibernation: it is used to build amino acids and preserve muscle among other benefits.
Urine injections have no contraindications, have healed anything you can think of including late stage cancers, and have been around for a hundred years with known benefits.
Much of what we are taught is wrong, even carbon dioxide has uses inside the body.
Urine has stem cells, growth hormone, and others.
Eventually you realize urine is a billion dollar industry for skin care and health.
Urine contains high levels of nitrogen and phosphorus.
Aged urine: day one 140 stem cells. Day 21 100 million stem cells.
“Let's talk about how your body came into formation. The amniotic fluid in your mother's womb is urine. For the first 3 months, it's your mom's pee. For the remaining 6 months, it's mainly your pee. There's no umbilical cord attached to your genitals; it's attached to your intestines. That should be another piece of proof to people that urine is not a waste product. Waste goes through your intestines—that's what the excretory channel is for. If urine were a waste product, how is it possible that from day one, the human fetus, the zygote, the embryo, is floating in urine! Urine is the ultimate liquid. It is the perfect water. It's what we grow in. We would not have grown without it.
And when you're in the womb, if you remember, you breathe like a fish. You are continually sucking your own urine in and out of your mouth. That is more proof that it's not a waste product. If urine were a waste product, the human fetus would just be getting dirtier and dirtier in the womb. It would be a cesspool in there, but it's not. You are actually peeing out the water, which is the water that "breaks" at birth. You are peeing out the water that you become. That water physically forms your body.
Urine is also known as living liquid tissue. In urine therapy, if you have a problem with your eyes, you put urine drops in your eyes. That urine becomes your eyes. If you have a cut on your skin, put urine on the cut. That urine becomes your skin. Babies come out, and they smell sweet. They have fluffy, smooth skin. The supermodel's biggest secret is that she puts urine on her face at night. The urea in urine allows each and every skin cell to hold its maximum amount of water. This makes for beautifully plump skin. In this way, urine will erase wrinkles. Wrinkles are just lines of decrepit skin cells that are holding low amounts of water, so they contract and get all crippled. You start giving them urine, which has urea, and that enables them to hold their maximum amount of water at the same time that you're offering them the most awesome water in the universe. The skin cells quickly fill up with this beautiful water, and the wrinkles disappear.”
Here is what I have learned. There is a substance in your body called CSF (Cerebral Spinal Fluid). Look that up. As the name suggests, your brain and spine are swimming in it. At any given time, there is about 150 - 250 ml of the stuff inside your body. Your body produces 550 - 650 ml of CSF per day. This means that the system flushes up to three times per day. Where do you think that fluid gets flushed to? Did you ever wonder how stem cells get into urine? I did. This is how. Did you also know that this CSF is the very first thing that develops when we are growing in our mothers womb? Did you also know that, at the very center of this fluidic system is your Pineal Gland?
Yes! Thank you for all this information. Although in my research I did find evidence the kidneys make stem cells, as well.
Thank you for this wonderful informative article, especially for the links to the books in pdf.
I used my own morning urine to cure myself of nail fungus on my toes. Collected my urine, made 30min footbaths twice a day, and peed on cotton wool which I wrapped round my toes and slept all night. A month later the fungus was gone!
I then tried drinking it.
Tastes a little like celery juice! A little salty.
With my busy life I let it slide and didn’t do urine therapy again till last year. I was having terrible problems with my teeth. My dentist said I needed a root canal in one, and my front lower teeth were wobbly because my jaw bone was soft.
I didn’t have the root canal but instead started using my first morning urine as a mouth wash, slooshing it in my mouth for about 1 minute, then drinking it.
When I returned to the dentist 6 months later she said my tooth that needed a root canal hadn’t got any worse and whatever I was doing I should continue!
My wobbly teeth also firmed up and are gradually getting less wobbly and more firm.
I’ve also noticed my teeth are becoming whiter!
Excellent! Yes, I use it as mouthwash every morning. The little pains I used to have are gone. Using it and my tooth soap repaired a cavity. Truly life-changing.