Can anyone help me understand the below scenario? And to begin, I am familiar enough with Amandha’s work to know that just because everyone in a family seems to get sick at or around the same time, does NOT indicate contagion. However, there is one situation that is stumping me regarding a friend’s newborn.

My friend had her third uneventful homebirth last month. Baby was born completely without incident, and of course had zero interventions upon entering the world (eg no shots, ointments, etc). Baby is EBF with zero formula. A few days after the birth, one of the older siblings started coughing. Then another, then another. There are 5 children total and all got incredibly ill at the same time, including the newborn. The newborn could barely breathe and was retracting in the most severe way I’d ever seen (I am unfortunately very familiar with what retraction looks like in young children). Out of desperation the newborn was put on a strict nebulizer regimen with albuterol, and eventually the danger passed. She also had an over 102 degree F fever, which is quite dangerous for a days-old infant.

The doctors of course said it was RSV, and for older children I understand Amandha’s message here. But what about this brand new baby who was brought into this world in the best way we know to be possible? Obviously toxins are everywhere, but this scenario I believe is very atypical and I’m wondering if anyone can explain what exactly happened here.

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Was a 5G network activated in that vicinity? The sudden increase in electro-magnetic radiation will cause symptoms that have been mistaken for viral infections of several varieties. They can be extremely powerful adverse reactions. I suffer from them myself.

People with young children should shield their homes from EMFs asap.

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Good question but no. In fact, they get incredibly poor cell service where they are and are surrounded by tons of trees.

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It is the same for me here.... trees and rural, however, I have an emf meter which registered a sudden huge increase in interference from last August. There are no towers anywhere near me but there are strings of Musk's StarLink satellites flying overhead. Soon there will be nowhere on earth that is free from un-natural electro-magnetic radiation. We have to forget viruses and force our medical professionals to look at the effects of EMFs NOW before babies start dying in their thousands.

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Interesting...I could encourage her to get an EMF reader. I keep shungite everywhere in my house and that seems to help us.

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Maybe inadequate ventilation of the house. Normally they would have been out more but due to the birth were staying home alot and not getting fresh air.

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I was wondering the same thing. Very similar situation. The baby was 7 mos old and older siblings were sick and around the baby. Sadly this baby did not make it. She was horribly sick with rsv.

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Hello Amandha. Not so sure about the FE stuff (I'll skip that for now considering I'm a geometer/physicist kinda guy...not of the "institutional" persuasion though)...

I used to comment/write articles often regarding anti-virus, anti-vax, various diseases, naturopathy, EM, etc sort of stuff. Personally confronted pretty much every obvious subversive and shill on substack I could identify. Eugyppius, Kirsch, Berenson, van den Bossche, Crawford, Girardot, Nass, Lyons-Weiler, Huber, etc. Never get replies or proper arguments (other than occasional insults, or getting banned...that sort of thing...sbstk has banned me 2-3 times I think, obviously banned numerous times on sbstk "truther" newsletters).

Just saying, be wary of sbstk, there's a lot of subversion and misdirection, particularly regarding pharma marketing (of worthless controlled op shit like HCQ and ivermectin). I am unsure how meaningful it is trying to reach people with sbstk, having tried. Kinda taints the psyche, if you know what I mean.

Some of the readers in this comment section (like Brian, Rob, Word Herder and Joy Lucette Garner) might recognize me (Frank GL, Slandermen, sir isO, etc)...I'm not the most likable guy typically, oh well.

And now time for some of my usual spam...

I called out covid fraud to a tee in January 2020 in the comment section at the bottom of this article when I first noticed covid BS: https://medicalxpress.com/news/2020-01-global-coronavirus.html

Do you like "lunatic" satire?


And one of my still existing very random/ranty/satirical/critical/spamming "stream of thought" posting blogs (that hasn't been banned/deleted)...there are actually one or two okayish "articles", I guess. Most of it is music pimping and kinda meaningless though. An example: https://slandermen.substack.com/p/of-course-covid-exists

Anyway, good luck with your sbstk endeavours...it's not for me.

*Excuse my typing.

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Bravo and thank you, as always for calling it out so straightforwardly.

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Thank you for unbanning me from Yum Naturals Emporium Amandha

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People get so angry at this kind of posts. It's endless comedy!

"But muh virus!"

Poor people. We are so retarded for failing to see this swindle!

We the not-a-virus clan are not retarded, but we lack manners sometimes. I'm trying to raise the level of argumentation a bit, but the neophytes are so passionate that they scare people right away. I know, because I was a neophyte NAVidian a few months ago and I scared a few MDs here on substack. LOL!

Thanks, Amandha, for writing this and publishing here. I loved your debate with Paul Cottrell. You totally vanquished his arguments with so much elegance. He was genuinely impressed. Unconvinced, but he clearly expected an easy win against an uninformed person.

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A friend on Twitter shared this - it coincides with lots of what Dr. Tom Cowan and Dr. Andy Kaufman have also discovered - that viruses are something that shows up after the fact - in reality, exsosomes that the body and bacteria create to cope with poisoning/disease. They also mention the water gel state and how critical water is --- amazing stuff. Thanks for a good summary share!

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DAMN, this is an AWESOME explanation of the fraud we've been enduring for over a century!!!!

WELL DONE! I am saving, sharing, and jumping for joy!

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i can concur with this. First time heard of RSV, but the symptoms of detox/heal, the runny nose et al i see frequently when out for stroll with my mum (more often than not under chem-trailed skies). Mum is very good at having protective 'acutes'.... she hasn't the 'baggage' of active thought and perception due to her dementia...

Yes, she still has the reflex of saying ' i have a cold' ...but all the mind-control shenanigans in name of 'covid' went in one ear and out of the other. Without this interference she is apparent as a clear example of well functioning metabolically detoxing human, even at 93yrs old.

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oh yes just reminded by Agartha in comment....the 5G....recent roadside towers been put up....new EMF's to add to the chem-trail poison

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I completely agree, Amandha. We have been living on this planet for tens of thousands, some say even hundreds of thousands, of years and for nearly all those many years we got along just fine without Big Pharma and their poison pills. I was cured of a staph infection when I was 22 years old by an herbalist who gave me a bottle of 3 herbs to apply on the unsightly sores. I firmly believe that there is a plant, a leaf, a flower, a root for every ailment that afflicts us. Sending Serenity Peace and Awareness, Anna Leather from Gabriola Island

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Big pHARMA believes there is a leaf, flower or root that will allow them to create a new drug. Their approach is to extract, isolate and concentrate these substances, patent them and charge outrageous prices for the result of all their efforts. I encourage all to do as best as you can to avoid pHARMA. Seek alternatives.

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Their approach tends to be to mimic fractional, singular incorrectly interpreted components with added "profitability" measures and components (toxic/undermining chemical changes, various processes, waste products, etc).

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RSV. Isn’t that a bible edition? Anyone remember Bible Codes? Some mathematician took sequences of letters in the Hebrew Bible and “proved” that certain predictions were encoded there and got the results published in a peer reviewed journal. It seems something similar is going on here, just different “bible.”

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Yeah, "Revised Standard Version." Makes ya wonder what they "revised."

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A nice in silico 'Répondez S'il Vous Plaît'

to a RSV.

Very important factor that everybody forgets is what happened, (starting in earnest), in 2020 & continued at 'warp speed' in our schools. Rampant 5G installations. Perfect device to Mask-er-Aid common cold symtoms and start the next round of mandates by preying on the kids + (kids w/ jabs :(. It is the perfect 'heart string' tactic to arouse the NPC ewes & wether's to push the mask sigil + whatever MSM tells them.

People please,,, Do Not Forget the 5G factor !

Reporting Flat______ from Bobcaygeon Ont.


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ALL they really need to kill us off is EMF's. Just takes longer.

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Great article. Our bodies are amazing and we just need to let them be amazing! Look forward to your write-up on flat earth. Also, my oldest has a walnut allergy which I’m sure is from the early childhood v’s (as with my own childhood epilepsy). I have this strong nagging feeling this allergy is something I can help him reverse. Any insight or wiring you’ve done on this? Thank you so much!

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I lack the vocabulary to write such prose.

I usually cock my eye and say "bullshit" in my inner voice. If my body cant fight that "whatever," then I am dead.

I watched my wife almost die from Crohns meds. 10 years of that bullshit did more damage to her digestive track than anything nature could have done. Big wakeup call yo an insanely corrupt medical system.

We went whole food plant based. Boomshackalacka. Been going great for 5 years.

I am down to smiling. Can't fix stupid in any case. Me or them

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So let it be that your wife is a 'Crohns recovered from'. I am a 'recovered from UC'...had ulcerative colitis in my 20's. Beyond the level of ignorance (forgetting?) we all have at any point in time of our lives there is the malice of diagnosis and prognosis ie...that UC and Crohns etc are life-long chronic conditions...lack of active symptoms is only but 'remission'. Yet more bullshit.

I like your down-to-earth philosophical outlook.... 'if my body cant fight that "whatever", then I am dead'. We cant know the extent to which we are being assaulted and poisoned, but we sure can take responsibility to be as healthy in lifestyle and intent, looking after ourselves to thrive as best possible...

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We do our best. Yes we fall off the wagon. But both drug free at 65. Everyone we know at our age is on something. Blood work is nearly perfect.

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Blood work is about as good as the germ theory. 🤷‍♂️

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Excellent, so well explained Thank you!

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AWESOME coverage, and the meme with the doctor ROCKS!!!

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Wow. Keep up the great work. The truth is music to my ears. Thank you sincerely. Carol Martin

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