Pleased to say I could tick off a fare few on the to do list but not nearly enough. Got a piece of land at long last so gonna be sowing in the spring.

Marxism... Frankfurt skool... don't forget the Fabian Society, boasting icons of totalitarianism such as Bertrand Russell, George Bernard Shaw and Tony Blair.. the new UK government has approximately 183 of them. Thankfully I've left the UK 😁.. that's why I own some land now.

Great post Amanda. List of problems, followed by, the most important part, list of solutions.

A parallel community heading towards the light and away from the darkness.


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The only way to defeat the demons behind all of this is to return to God. Only he has the power to defeat supernatural beings and they can only do what he permits.

There is a reason all of this is happening now and it has everything to do with the great Apostasy that began with the Protestant revolt and has reached its climax with the great Apostasy following Vatican II which obscured his Church with a false imposter.

Only when men return to the rule of Christ and his Church will there be peace in the world for only he has the power to bind the demons which inspire and urge on the wicked men who have rejected God.

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Hi Amandha

When was the last time I told you that you are one of the few humans that I stop and consider everything.

Mind you I don't have you on a pedestal as it has cost me dearly. I am what most consider nutz. Amazing that this is now a good think.

I know you from AlfaVedic. It was your answer to something --- Parasites --- regarding just wiping then out is not the best plan considering they may be helping control heavy metals.

I am a kid at heart with 67 years supposedly since I was cut out of the body of the woman who I believe was my mother.

God bless her she must of had a very deep brainwashing. Silent generation.

I am what I am. A Brooklyn Born Long Island raised in Massapequa Park Bar Harbour (NY) on the Great South Bay. I am blessed, I see but I have battled within for a long long time.

I am blessed as I have seen the truth. At 15 I was a passenger in a car with a "Friend" and it was around 1972. 1pm or so. His family was out and he said let's drink Tequila. I was very stable obviously <BG>.

We were also weed smokers and I was using other crap but not yet addicted. We are drinking for an hour or so and I took a piss in Grandma's bedroom. Well I was a medicine cabinet inspector. Only to help society.

I found something that I never heard of. Named Doriden I believe and the label said some keywords that I guess fit.

So with about a pint of Tequila in each of our bellies it seem excessived a perfect time to see the reaction of the two

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Sorry this is not relevant to this post but i want to ask a question if Amandha re topical DMSO to increase the efficacy of Cannabis oil and whether this treatment is appropriate for Fibromyalgia.

I will understand if Amandha can not reply to this post because of the controlled substance it may be.


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Amanda look into website stop world control he's also on many social sites. He has some very interesting info.

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I agree with everything you wrote except for the parts about money. You know it doesn't matter what you do - go offgrid, eat spirulina every day or have greenhouses, as long as you are using banker's money, you're in the system. That is the scorecard of this energy. That is the vehicle. It's easily fixed though but you must understand this energy of money and what it does to the human psyche. It incites greed deliberately, it's the cunning design. You cannot get away from that greed factor, money is the contagion of this. Yes we all can't just get off it in one fell swoop, but we need to be asking and brainstorming alternatives. Some of us have been working on this. It takes a whole new mind to understand that we can be the issuers of the currency, each individual would be like a bank. But the design of the money would be to create abundance and not scarcity. Greed is totally manufactured by the money system. Genius design.

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Thorough post. Overwhelming how much I need to do to be the prepper I dream of. It has become nouveau... not weird anymore.

One thought. I have been watching the “BudLighting themselves” phenomena. I now understand it from another angle. The inevitable rejection from consumers (like mama bears boycotting Target now) fulfills another purpose. Many institutions fall apart that were longstanding. Eventually people may feel that there’s little left of the nation known and loved. Tatters. At this point the goal is realized, which is called demoralization. Citizens are less interested in defending a state in this condition, no refunds. That is what totalitarians want.

Also, according to Prof Matthias Desmet, totalitarianism cannot exist without media, because it exponentially raises controls on society. People willing to snitch on neighbours because they are in a mass psychosis and don’t have insight to it become very dangerous. Really moving away from mass media entirely becomes important, and contact with others socially for hugs and experiences in real life reduces the risks of the suffocating narratives on media.

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ADV I’ve always appreciated you! Had to reach out for the first time! I’m a heavy hitter like you. Please enjoy this piece and browse and share. We truly fill the void of essential missing perspectives in the argument. Desmet, McDonald, Margaret A.A. have pieces, but you know where you’re going!

Much gratitude https://open.substack.com/pub/sinatana/p/identify-yourself_its-required?r=zickz&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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Dont forget FreedomCells.org

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Please do listen to a video or two from Larken Rose, he knows a method to wake up others with relative ease. He speaks of the root causal factors which are enabling this....


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I wouldn’t worry about Mexican drug cartels. I WOULD worry about the CIA drug cartel. The Mexicans are just the cover.

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I need some tools to help myself NOT get triggered. A good friend of mine, who also happens to be on the board of school trusties, included a man in her international women's day post citing #Equality and #Equity. I'm not going to lie. I lost my shit. It's been 2 hours and I'm still not fully calm lol. So ya, need some tools to be calm in the face of insanity.

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the methods taught in “Candles in the Dark” are specifically designed to deal with the fact that most people quickly shut down or become emotional and argumentative the moment they feel that their fundamental paradigms and beliefs are being challenged.

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Excellent post. Thank you. The post asks: "So what are the solutions?"

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