I heard Bill G@tes bought Bragg's apple cider vinegar and also bought a company that makes Ivermectin and is putting graphene oxide and Nanobots in them? Does anybody else know the company making Ivermectin that he bought?

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The possibility of IVM being a secondary trap has been my concern for a long time. But what makes it deadly, the current formulation?including potential intentional adulterations?

It has been used across India and Africa for a long time. Were these populations being poisoned (possibly intentionally?)

IVM has demonstrated tumor suppression. Is this nonsensical?

Your article has many good points, but I wouldn’t throw the baby out with the bath water.

Ivermectin was supposedly formulated from a soil fungi. And maybe that is where we should focus our attention.

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I read your article, IN FULL, and decided you just simply did another ivermectin hit piece

You’re truly not the real deal as I’ve been on IVM, off and on, for 5 years with no side effects or kidney problems as monitored by doctor

When I’ve been on it I’ve not been sick but when breaking from it I have

I’ve learned over time it has approximately an 18 hour life in me so I take every 12 hours which allows max dose 12 of 24 hours a day and normal dose the other 12 of 24 hours

Ma’am the drug has been around 4-5 decades in human pill form(maybe 6 if truth was allowed) with rare to very rare side affects

I really don’t even believe you are who you’re saying, but instead this is simply another big pharma ivermectin hit piece trying to steer us away from cheap cures to something not nearly so good, or in fact bad for us, via your manufactured fear

It gets so terribly old what you do for money

Will be so happy when or if RFK Jr stops your misinformation

I hope this steers potential clients away from you and your fiction

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Ivermectin kills parasites period. Now for some 80 years the concoction has been attributed to curing individuals. “The indicated biological mechanism of IVM, competitive binding with SARS-CoV-2 spike protein, is likely non-epitope specific, possibly yielding full efficacy against emerging viral mutant strains.“ If in fact it is a double edged sword, what a perfect psyops marketing deployment. Too Good In Fact To Be Believed By Billions, Time Will Tell Because Sure Won’t!

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Right on!

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I've had my doubts about a number of such "miracles" and the strategies of the covert manipulatrrs. Thank you for your information.

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If not ivm what could help stop inflammation from the vaccines?

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I was just saying Ivermectin reminds me of antibiotics.

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well, I can only talk about my experience, up to now I've never had negative effects from Ivermectin and I've probably taken more than 100 doses for prevention since 2021 after being in large groups and once to cure giardia as well. Unless it will be tampered with, or used to cure the river blindness, (since THAT is when a ton of side effects really happen, for it's a tough one), or I develop the same genetic mutation that collies and a tiny portions of humans have, I don't expect to have negative effects either..... Exceptions of "side effects" (actually desired effect): First time I used it I had diarrhea for two days, cleansed me from parasites and microparasites that hide in the intestines and organs and can wreck havoc with your body. (I'm also doing heavy metal detox couple times a year by the way) same diarrhea when used for giardia, cleared it. all other 95+ times I've used it no intestinal or stomach or kidney issue up to the last creatinine reading last month. So use the one for veterinary consumption and don't fall for disinformation, other anti parasite natural cures don't work as well for spike and covid and post covid....

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Thank you for your common sense and witness. Gid bless you.

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A drug made by them. THEM. Never was tempted to try it. :)

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I would like to point out that I would have never recommended to my patients human pharm ivermectin. All human pharma is poison. However horse ivermectin at least for now is still good and clean. I have amazing reaults with it. Most medicines if i Use them are animal. There are more laws and controls on animal meds than human. Human ivermectin never worked for anything. I am a oateopath, master nutritionalist, herbalist that grows my medicines and I was formally trained in biodynamic farming. Huge follower of Rudolph Steiner.

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For sure IVM is part of the bamboozle as is 'Vitamin' D3, like vaccines are too, for people are rarely informed of the known SAE's from these products meaning that people cannot provide informed consent they are generally advertised as safe, essential and effective


None of these lucrative products can be proven to prevent or cure winter respiratory ailments



Big bucks for big pharma

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I wrote this article after viewing your video on the double cross. But note, I still have what is called long covid and have not found the solution.


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I also have, but in my case the cause is clear. Called EMF hypersensitivity. Just telling.

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I am an ex smoker and I intend to stay that way. Nicotine is a dangerous drug in it's own right and is not on my agenda.

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I am an ongoing smoker and try to produce our tobacco in our garden. Nicotine is such a poison that I can't get rid of slugs who is eating even the strongest types (highest nicotine content) like the Aztec, I can hear their happy munching even in the house or almost, no dead slugs but many-many slug babies....

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Ivermectine is hindering emergency detox by protease inhibition. Notice how people using Pavloxidine having "Covid symptoms" rebound. AFAIK Pavloxidin copied that particular mechanism solely. Ivermectine has more mechanisms like being Zinc ionophorish. Could that confer cellular protection? Now of course if that's the only mechanism one would look for maybe Quercetin is more feasible and definitely safer. FLCCC has or at least had Q listen in their protocoll. I know of 1 or maybe 2 studies showing it helpful for "Ebola". Not much but also for "Covid". Both as "treatment" and preventive.

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Very informative article and thanks for the resources. Just another item to chew on and absorb and hopefully the parasites will not get to it first! Cheers!

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I just recently found DMSO and your book has been exceptionally useful plus happy to have found you BUT as I always do when I find a new resource I look to Telegram and lo and behold you have a channel.

But, I can not see comments nor post then I started researching as I am very adept and have great discernment and have now found out why.

Seriously who is Tim Amanda? Do you know? Or who he represents or what side he is on.

Those studies on Ivermectin have serious issues not the least of which is they were conducted in China AND released coincidently in Nov.2020...where is your discernment? Now Amanda while you are free to conduct yourself as you see fit on your channel it certainly appears from afar that free speech to you means speech YOU agree with only. Hence the disclaimers.

Its beyond insane to think these evil bastards are as smart as you think they are though I will add a caveat, no way on earth would I use Ivermectin from Merck, I know they are part of the evil. My Ivermectin comes from India

I now fully see through Malone for example but many others you consider to be controlled opposition make no sense at all. In other words your ability to discern is not anywhere near where you think it is. It would appear to me that you consider all of the FLCCC and even people like Dr. Peter McCullough to be controlled opposition. There is no way any of them are and even Rogan who I do not follow or watch is clearly not controlled opposition.

I am the type of human who can write something like I am and still be able to come visit and use your services, alas I am uncertain you are able to.

Its a shame because I literally live down the road in Temagami and my wife is having a blast going through your videos on your blog. She has 2 vertebrae with very little spongy stuff and they diagnosed her with Fibromyalgia 3 years ago. Which in my humble opinion is not even a 'disease'.

I like you was on to this fraud from day one and in the end I lost my job of 28 years because I refused to be tested 3 times a week to continue going to work, the injection was a nonstarter from day one.

Then our God went to work and provided me with a whole new life thats better in every way then my previous life. I refuse to stop talking to people and talk to 5-10 people a day but only focus on trying to stop them from taking further shots and show them various links for detoxing.

I don't bother with much of the other important topics/truths, like the fact there are no such thing as virus's because the sheep simple can not handle that information yet and talking about it only leads many of them to tune us out.

If Ivermectin was doing as Tim so called Truth says then our customs would not block people from importing it, me twice and our medical system would surely have allowed doctors to prescribe it.

I get mine from India and did a 3 month stint of 12 mg a day that clearly got rid of the parasites I had. For one my appetite was nowhere near what it was prior as I am no longer feeding myself and parasites.

I have not seen many saying this but I wonder if the reason why Ivermectin appears to work for the non-existent covid is because many of these injections are actually some concoction of parasites to keep the fear and lockdowns going. That was their plan, to have us locked down for multiple years until eventually they brought out the injection to 'save' humanity

When you examine the symptoms of parasitic infection you fi8nds its very similar to flu symptoms in many ways.

I feel blessed to be alive during these biblical times and I have learned oh so much about natural ways to heal ones self.

I actually stopped my kidney medication 18 months ago and all is good.

We started the DMSO about 2 weeks ago and my wife is having tremendous results already and my arthritis has literally disappeared already after just 2 weeks on DMSO.

I hope to one day visit you in Minden but in the meantime would love to be able to comment and share experiences with others on your telegram channel.

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Yes Gary thanks for your post

I just similarly posted here my experienced disagreements with her original post

Why are most all comments here blacked out or non existent too???

I’m very suspicious too and her article and its inconsistencies with my 5 years of experience taking IVM make me extremely suspicious of anything else she, or whoever this is(Big Pharma?), would say or suggest

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Thank you for this reply. I'm not nearly as kind as you. I sure would like to be though. This is clearly a mind phuck meant to keep people confused and scared to make any moves. Unfortunately, there are many like this writer doing the same. Perhaps well meaning, but more likely self deluded and possibly evil. Thank you for your common sense. God Bless You!

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