Thank you for all your efforts ....

I have added a link to this article here -

Electromagnetic Frequencies + Toxification = "COVID-19" (prove me wrong)


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How does one find a good naturopathic doctor, is there a site that one can go to with reviews, location and services provided?

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Yes! Your biggest exposure. Birthed from near ‘sterile’ environment into billions of ‘germs’, trillions of ‘viruses’ and instant adaptation…! Funny how that works <3

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Agreed. I have a theory which is nutso but this seems to be the crowd that might entertain it: we humans are part of the earth. We are supposed to be having a unique, beautiful experience here on earth. Unique being the most important part. Why else are there so many of us? Instead, stupid/and or evil people have convinced most people to have the same thoughts via media, so they’re all swaying to the same disharmonious beat (fear, etc). Not only is this the exact opposite of having a unique experience, it creates a huge energy imbalance. Humans are clumping together and mindlessly repeating propaganda all day. They are acting like cancer. A huge group of humans hurting themselves, like pockets of cancer in a body. The divine intelligence of the earth understands that humans are going off the rails due to the constant lies and self injurious lifestyles. The earth knows it is not well. It needs balance, harmony. Somehow it will correct.

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Really, really good, thank you very much. the table at the beginning is very interesting. Of course the problem is the exact definition of diseases which revolves round the symptoms. As these overlap it can be difficult to label anything bar a response to internal toxicity with varying symptoms.

As each person is an individual, not a herd, they must be treated on a case by case basis.

For what it's worth, you may be interested in what I have written.


Thank you again.

P.S. I consider the so-called virus as the exosome, part of the body's defense system, so friend not foe. I write about it in a sub-link in main link above abut extracted here for ease of reference.


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I am continually thunderstruck by the sheer and persistent childishness of 'the invisible-monster theory,' and in particular its love affair with the idea of pathogenic "viruses." Stefan Lanka once said (in paraphrase) that all life is symbiotic; and so there is no place for such a model...it just DOESN'T work! Following his lead, a series of questions has filled my head: Whence its volition? Namely, WHAT compels a non-living theoretical fragment of 'something' to suddenly embark an a mass-killing spree? Is it simply protecting its babies from would-be predators? Was it 'born' with a natural hatred for life, and seeks murderous retribution? Does it seek power? Is it mad at God? Is it governed by avarice? Cui bono--or rather WHAT benefits, by its purported wantonness? There is no way our Creator would design anything as beautiful, mysterious, and ineffable as life; and then decide also to unleash something as contrary and hideous as a "virus."

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Well said. Etymologically speaking the 'virus' can be considered from the Latin as 'Vir us', 'man, soldier or strength of us'. Vi is 'force', from which man as in male derives the meaning strength.

The Creator would not unleash something as contrary and hideous as a "virus." as you say.

But Satan is quite happy to poison us with toxins in vaccines and big pharma drugs if we let him as he is a liar and a murderer from the beginning.

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Thanks for pointing out the etymology in question here, and in particular an unusual and edifying shade of nuance! BTW, you're spot on imputing to Satan, his lying and murdering ways, which to us with eyes and hearts and minds open, only become more manifest with each and every wicked turn. It just means we double down on our efforts to deny him his 'happiness' at our expense.

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I totally agree, they’ve been brainwashing us for a long time. The way they “isolate viruses” is the equivalent of a junior high experiment done with high tech equipment & a computer that spits out a so called sequence. All these imaginary viruses are real diseases resulting from exposure to toxins in our environment &/or poor nutrition.

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junior high science experiments would typically be of a much higher quality, as they typically have an independent variable, controls, etc. At least when I was in junior high....

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Good article.

I wonder sometimes if some of those who are constantly ill might actually be better off than those people like myself who rarely get acutely sick but struggle with vague symptoms or just feel slightly off or lacking energy most of the time.

The former's organism may be actively able to mount proper immune responses to the polluted world, whereas the latter's organisms may have become too compromised & unable to mount effective responses to get rid of what needs to be eliminated which may lead to a deeper burying of the illness.

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My article with resources on breaking free of the germ matrix : https://sacredheartvortex.substack.com/p/viral-dissonance

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It's amazing how our bodies are like a city of life.

Some people forget how important the workers are to the economy.

They steal and hurt them instead of giving them fair pay.

Fear of outsiders, the original eugenics...

Btw when are you gonna post the stuff on flat earth? It will be interesting to learn why you believe it to be true, as long as you're open to us being able to challenge those pieces of proof. It will help all of us to find what's true, like challenging germ theory, terrain stands on its own feet!

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Flat earth,I think it's hollow.Not like a pumpkin but Caverns.The UN countries bases in antarctica and Admiral Byrd add fuel to my theory plus everything is vibrational energy created frequencies.Nothing is still.Either way if you can't go up above earth and look for yourself then arguments are pointless.

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I'm down with what you're saying, and KUDOS to you for saying it!

I wonder how long it will take before the un-initiated are able to take it in...

The times I've said similar things to folks, they look at me like I'm completely, utterly INSANE.


Well, there are ways of breaking through, but it is a thing.

I'm glad you're doing this! Cheers!! And, thanks. ^_^

Oh, and I was going to mention that often many of these "diseases" could be EMF's! "The Invisible Rainbow" by Arthur Firstenberg is a REAL eye-opener!! The towers MUST COME DOWN.

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Songs about the dangers of vaccines and the Covid tyranny.

THE MYOCARDITIS BLUES. A man sings the blues after coming down with side effects from the mRNA vaccine followed by a deadly heart inflammation. https://turfseer.substack.com/p/the-myocarditis-blues

JUST TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE. “Straight shooter” advice on vaccination for the brainwashed


“Country” stands up to Medical Tyranny. Watch Turfseer’s “THEY TRIED TO KILL COUNTRY (BUT COUNTRY FOUGHT BACK).” https://turfseer.substack.com/p/they-tried-to-kill-country-but-country

Shakespeare meets Vaccine Injury Denial. Listen to Turfseer’s PERCHANCE TO DREAM. https://turfseer.substack.com/p/perchance-to-dream

Subscribe to Turfseer's Newsletter. Songs, music videos and much more.

BONUS: Free Download. THE ALTERNATIVE COVID-19 NARRATIVE HANDBOOK. A Collection of useful links. Get it here: https://turfseer.substack.com/p/the-alternative-covid-narrative-handbook

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Parents are so propoagandized. A three year old cannot be "ill" ever. Always ibuprofen.

Always measuring temperature.

The kid is fine, even though he eats horrible kid's cereals. Because the idiotic parents believe is the right thing to do: they are for kids.

Just like pets eat bad pet food, because it is for pets: it has to be the right food!

Of course, skim milk because fat is bad for the heart. For the heart of an infant!!! For God's sake, parents are completely braindead!!!

TV all day, smartphone all day, no time to think, to imagine anything.

Lack of imagination has to be bad for their health.

Humans are not fast or strong animals, but they are resistent and have imagination. We are suppressing our two best traits.

Adults have such a difficult time when exposed to the idea that the disease is not caused by a microbe. It is common sense, they say. It's obvious!

Who can speak against TV? What victim of the cult will stand up and talk against the ies of the leaders?

The worst for me is when they say: we have given this four year old girl this drug and that drug so that she doesn't miss more day at school.

How can people be so stupid about everything!

All toys have to be "educational." Everything is egalitarian, therefore, unnatural. Nothing that comes in contact with children can be real.

People are so well trained consumers that they will say that it is not a good idea to make yogurt at home because people will get sick, because it is not done by a professional with professional equipment. Then I explain that all those are fraudulent talking points to protect a price control scheme. The industrial yogurt is no more clean than anything you can do at home.

They should simply admit they are lazy and leave it there. They prefer inferior food because they have better things to do than preparing food. And if something bad happens, well, it's probably an infection!

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I don't think it's so much stupid as it is indoctrinated... Taught to trust authority, this is how it is, your doctor knows FAR FAR more than you ever could, plus being beaten down and addicted and drugged and tired and so forth...

I think if shown/told in the right way for that person, they'd come around. Just not really sure HOW to do that, and probably not the same way for everyone...

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Your being much to kind...."they prefer the darkness over the Light". Baring a intervention, spiritual that is, their microbes--biologically and spiritually--are running the show.

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Laziness and cowardice, I'm adding this to our chat...

I sent my incredibly foolish brother several videos of DOCTORS talking about the dark side of statin drugs. He insists that my mother, who already has cognitive problems, perhaps BECAUSE of statins, should take them and he REFUSED to even LOOK at the videos I sent because they're obviously just some random bullshit off the internet... HE went to the best SOURCE MATERIAL: The Mayo Clinic.

LAZY AND COWARDLY. I'd even go so far as to say pathological laziness and ego-laden cowardice. Yes, in my face. That said, I suppose if you wanted to consider laziness and cowardice as darkness, and I can understand if you do, then I agree with you.

I mean, DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMN. But I'm sure people like this don't recognize what we're saying... Sigh. I want to live with dogs and not too many humans...

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I was referring to the General Population, not the Bad Guys CAUSING all this mess.

Is that what you mean?

Because I can't see vast percentages of regular folks being part of Evil. THAT is how I think of the Psychotards like Klown Schlob and Blow Gates...

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Truth ! ♥️♥️♥️

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Bravo, Natural Hygiene !!

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yeah I've been reading up on Natural Hygiene lately. In particular, I liked "The Natural Food of Man" by Hereward Carrington. He expressed in great detail something I had idly thought about many times.

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